On the wedding day marks a beginning in the love story of two people; it’s a day filled with emotions, laughter, tears, and above all, promises of eternal love. Wedding vows are a fundamental part of the ceremony, an intimate moment to express the deepest feelings towards your partner and commit to a future together.
If you’re seeking inspiration to make your vows truly unforgettable, here are some tips and creative ideas to make this task easier for you.

How to write the vows?
Before you sit down to write, take some time to reflect on your relationship. Think about the special moments you’ve shared together, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the reasons you love your partner. Consider what you value most about their personality, what makes you happy, and how their love makes you feel.
Seek inspiration from poems, songs, movies, or books that have moved you. Read examples of wedding vows to get an idea of how other couples have expressed their love and commitment. Don’t be afraid to borrow some ideas, but remember that your vows should be authentic and reflect your own relationship.
When you sit down to write, set aside any inhibitions and write from the heart. Don’t worry about perfection at this moment, just let your emotions flow and express your sincerest feelings towards your partner. Be honest, vulnerable, and authentic in your words.

What should the vows contain?
Tell your love story.
Recall the moment you met, the place, the spark that ignited between you, and how that chance encounter led to a beautiful love story. Share special anecdotes you’ve experienced together, from the first date to exciting adventures or shared achievements. These moments you’ve built together will be the foundation of your future as a couple. Express how your partner has helped you grow as a person, the values they’ve instilled in you, and the lessons you’ve learned by their side. Acknowledge the positive impact they’ve had on your life.
Share your dreams.
Describe the dreams and goals you hope to achieve together as a couple, the trips you long to take, projects you wish to undertake, or the family you hope to build. Envision a future full of possibilities and shared growth. Promise to be the cornerstone of your partner’s aspirations, offering support, encouragement, and trust in every step they take. Express your vision of the future with your partner, a future filled with love, companionship, growth, and shared happiness. Visualize growing old together, creating memories, and strengthening your bond with each passing year.
Make them special.
Incorporate references to special places, songs that marked your relationship, books that inspired you, or hobbies you share. These details will make your vows unique and authentic.
Create your own language within the partnership, with phrases or words that only you both understand, adding an intimate and knowing touch to your vows. You can include a poem written by you, a song performed live, or a symbolic gesture that represents the love that binds you. An unexpected gesture will move your partner and make the moment even more special.
Add a touch of humor to them.
Share a funny anecdote you’ve experienced together, demonstrating the camaraderie and good humor you share as a couple. A touch of light humor will lighten the mood and create a memorable moment. Use private jokes that only you both understand, creating a unique and laughter-filled moment within the ceremony. A knowing wink will demonstrate the special connection you have. Add a touch of light humor to your vows, without losing the seriousness and commitment that the moment represents.
A bit of fun will make the ceremony more enjoyable and memorable.
Specific commitments.
Promise to be present in the most challenging moments, offering your unconditional support and strength to overcome any obstacle together. Show that you are an unwavering ally through thick and thin. Promise to be an active and present partner in family life. Promise to keep the flame of love alive with gestures, attentions, and romantic gestures that nurture passion and connection over the years. Demonstrate that your love grows with time
Take a look at Fernanda & Jorge’s vows to get an idea:
- Be honest: The most important thing is for your vows to be authentic and heartfelt. Avoid using cliché or empty phrases; express your feelings genuinely and personally.
- Be concise: Don’t write too extensively. Your vows should be short enough to be read in a couple of minutes.
Writing wedding vows may seem like a daunting task, but with time, reflection, and sincerity, you can create words that capture the essence of your love and commitment to your partner. Remember that there is no “correct” way to write wedding vows; what’s important is that they reflect your relationship and the feelings you have towards your partner. Enjoy the process and make this moment truly unforgettable!